
Do I deserve to belong? Migrants' perspectives on the debate of deservingness and belonging

Mokslinio darbo/tyrimo tikslas
Drawing on the interviews with 77 young Polish and Lithuanian migrants in the UK conducted from 2019 to 2020, this article examines how migrants position themselves in relation to the discourses of deservingness and hierarchies of desirability. The focus is also placed on how they negotiate their strategies of (un)belonging to the British society. We argue that the prominence of the deservingness discourse – which has gained momentum in Brexit Britain - entraps migrants in the constant process of boundary making and may prevent them from ever feeling part of the ‘community of value’.
Autorius (-iai), tyrimą atlikusi institucija
Irma Budginaitė-Mačkinė
Dokumento rūšis
Nuoroda į atliktą mokslinį darbą/tyrimą
Informaciją pateikė
Vilniaus universitetas
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